Japanese Court Dismisses Fukushima Victims' Lawsuit Against Government

Japanese Court Dismisses Fukushima Victims' Lawsuit Against Government

TOKYO (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 21st April, 2022) A Japanese court dismissed on Wednesday a class action lawsuit brought against the government over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, but ordered the power plant's operator to pay damages to the victims.

Sixty-three former Fukushima residents asked a district court in Saitama prefecture to hold the government and Japan's largest electric utility, TEPCO, accountable for causing them distress after a tsunami wrecked the power plant and caused a meltdown. Around 20,000 people were killed and thousands of homes were destroyed.

The court ordered TEPCO to pay 65 million Yen ($509,000) to the plaintiffs for having their lives devastated by the nuclear catastrophe, the public broadcaster NHK said. This is the latest class action against TEPCO as thousands have sued the utility in the ensuing years.