Mass Protest Against French Government's Social Policy Takes Place In Paris

Mass Protest Against French Government's Social Policy Takes Place in Paris

Hundreds of people, including teachers, chemical industry workers, railroaders, students and retirees, took to the streets of Paris on Tuesday afternoon to express their discontent with the social policy of the French government, a Sputnik correspondent reported

PARIS (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 19th March, 2019) Hundreds of people, including teachers, chemical industry workers, railroaders, students and retirees, took to the streets of Paris on Tuesday afternoon to express their discontent with the social policy of the French government, a Sputnik correspondent reported.

According to the correspondent, people have gathered on the boulevard Saint-Michel and waiting for the march to begin. Protesters can be seen carrying banners saying "Let us protect civil servants" and "For the Sixth Republic." Some protesters are calling for President Emmanuel Macron's resignation and imprisonment.

The correspondent reported that the march was initiated by French inter-union association URIF, which comprises capital units of the CGT, FO and Solidaires trade unions.

Protesters are demanding a stop to police brutality, and increases in minimum wage, salaries and pensions.

Students are protesting the rise in education prices for foreign students.

The demonstration is currently peaceful, but it is being closely watched by numerous police officers, according to the correspondent.

A wave of yellow vest rallies, which have been marked by violence, clashes with police and public disorder, started in France in mid-November. While the government ultimately abandoned plans to raise fuel taxes, which triggered the rallies in the first place, and introduced other measures to improve the country's socioeconomic situation, the protests have continued and morphed in wider outcry against French President Emmanuel Macron's economic policies and high living costs.