New York State Records New 2,950 Coronavirus Cases, 35 Deaths - Cuomo

New York State Records New 2,950 Coronavirus Cases, 35 Deaths - Cuomo

The number of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in New York State reached 7,102, with 2,950 newly reported cases, while the death toll increased to 35, Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a press briefing on Friday

NEW YORK (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 20th March, 2020) The number of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in New York State reached 7,102, with 2,950 newly reported cases, while the death toll increased to 35, Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a press briefing on Friday.

Cuomo displayed a table during the briefing that showed a total of 4,408 COVID-19 cases registered in New York City, 1,091 in Westchester County, 754 in Nassau, 371 in Suffolk, 101 in Rockland, 84 in Orange, 61 in Albany, 36 in Duthcess, 32 in Monroe and 31 in Erie.

The number of deaths across New York State from COVID-19 complications has reached 35, according to Cuomo.