Bucharest To Host 10th World Arabian Horse Racing Forum

Bucharest to host 10th World Arabian Horse Racing Forum

BUCHAREST, Romania, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 30th Jun, 2019) The stage is set for the World Arabian Horse Racing Forum, part of the 2019 H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Global Arabian Horse Flat Racing Festival, taking place in the Romanian capital, Bucharest, on 2nd July, 2019.

Purebred Arabian horse racing will be under the spotlight, as horse racing experts and enthusiasts will come together for the 10th edition of the six-day event.

"Held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, this year’s forum will continue where it left off and will seek to overcome more hurdles in the path of the progress of Arabian horse racing," said Lara Sawaya, Executive Director of the H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Global Arabian Horse Flat Racing Festival.

Sawaya, who is also the Chairperson of the International Federation of Horse Racing academies and Chairperson of the Ladies and Apprentice Racing Committees in the International Federation of Arabian Horse Racing Authorities, noted that a number of UAE officials will take part in the forum, with Dr Ahmed Al Matrouchi, UAE Ambassador to Romania, inaugurating it, along with Viorel Dabija, Chairman of the ARAC Romania, as well as Dr.

Abdulla Al Raisi, Director-General of the National Archives, who will be making a presentation for the Year of Tolerance during the event.

The forum will see seven sessions held over three days and will culminate in a final workshop. Also taking place is the Hippodrome Ploiesti, which will stage flat races under the festival’s banner, as part of the 'UAE Tolerance Day' race meeting on 6th July, 2019.

Following its 2010 inauguration in the nation's capital, Abu Dhabi, the World Arabian Horse Racing Forum has now been held across multiple cities, including the Hague, Berlin, Toulouse, London, Warsaw, Rome, Marrakech, and Madrid.