South Korean Jamboree To End Early Over Typhoon Warning

South Korean jamboree to end early over typhoon warning

Seoul, Aug 7 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Aug, 2023 ) :The World Scout Jamboree in South Korea will end early due to an approaching typhoon, organizers said Monday as they called for the government to "urgently" help with efforts to send tens of thousands of children home.

About 43,000 people joined the jamboree that kicked off in North Jeolla province last week, but an extreme heatwave caused hundreds of scouts to fall ill, forcing Seoul to deploy military doctors, offer air-conditioned buses, and vowed an all-out effort to salvage the event.

American and British scout groups withdrew at the weekend, citing concerns over the extreme weather, even as organizers said the jamboree would continue, urging participants to view it as a "platform for overcoming challenges".

But with a coming typhoon forecast to hit most of South Korea, including the campsite, the Jamboree was forced to end early.

"The World Organization of the Scout Movement received confirmation this morning from the Government of the Republic of Korea that due to the expected impact of Typhoon Khanun, an early departure will be planned for all participants," the scout body said in a statement.

"We urgently call on the Government to expedite the plan for departure and provide all necessary resources and support for participants during their stay and until they return to their home countries," the scout body said.

No details have been given on where the participants will stay until they return home.

South Korea's presidential office said Monday that President Yoon Suk Yeol was briefed on a contingency plan for the Jamboree as the typhoon approached, hinting that the scouts may relocate to Seoul for the remainder of their stay.

"By 'contingency plan', it means the scouts' accommodation and the remaining schedule can be moved to the metropolitan area including Seoul," Yoon's office said in a statement.

Yonhap news agency reported that all afternoon activities have been cancelled and the participants will begin leaving the campsite from Tuesday morning.