1160 Liters Mineral Water, 400 Liters Unhygienic Juice Seized


1160 liters mineral water, 400 liters unhygienic juice seized

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) Punjab Food Authority team on Sunday recovered 1160 liters of substandard

mineral water, 400 liters of unhygienic juice from a factory in Khushab during

it's ongoing crackdown launched against adulteration.

According to PFA press release, the PFA team raided the factory located in

Khushab district where substandard mineral water and juice was being prepared.

The team recovered the unhygienic mineral water, juice and 2300 empty bottles.

The action was taken on improper labelling, misbranding, use of prohibited

ingredients and poor management.

Juices made with substandard ingredients in packaging similar to well-known

brands were being sold in the market at cheaper rates, he said.

Juices and mineral water were sent to food lab for further analysis.

A case was registered against the accused over adulteration.