AC Nellore Seals Illegal Fuel Stations, Held Three Violators


AC Nellore seals illegal fuel stations, held three violators

Assistant Commissioner Nellore Uzair Ali on Thursday arrested three violators and sealed three illegal gas agencies and two unauthorized petrol filling stations in the Khanna Pull area

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Dec, 2023) Assistant Commissioner Nellore Uzair Ali on Thursday arrested three violators and sealed three illegal gas agencies and two unauthorized petrol filling stations in the Khanna Pull area.

Acting on the special directions of Deputy Commissioner Irfan Nawaz Memon the AC Nellore during a surprise inspection apprehended three individuals and transferred them to the police station.

This decisive action came after the Assistant Commissioner personally inspected the area and found blatant disregard for safety regulations legal procedures and certification. The swiftness and effectiveness of the operation sent a strong message to other violators, who were issued strict warnings to comply with the law.

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