Ban On Polythene Bags In Multan From June 5


Ban on polythene bags in Multan from June 5

Use of polythene bags will be prohibited in Multan from June 5 here in the city. Commissioner Maryam Khan highlighted the bad effects of excessive use of plastic, citing its harmful effects on biodiversity, human health and the climate

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Use of polythene bags will be prohibited in Multan from June 5 here in the city. Commissioner Maryam Khan highlighted the bad effects of excessive use of plastic, citing its harmful effects on biodiversity, human health and the climate.

While presiding over a meeting on banning use of plastic within domain of the city, the Commissioner said that plastic pollution was a central theme of Earth Day and for this the survival of the planet is crucial for human life.

Pollution has severely disrupted Earth's ecosystems as evidenced by climate changes. Collaborative efforts are necessary to eliminate pollution, ensuring a clean environment for future generations, she maintained.

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