Ban On Use Of Polythene Bags To Be Implemented By June 05: Commissioner

Ban on use of polythene bags to be implemented by June 05: Commissioner

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Commissioner Multan Division Maryam Khan said that ban on use of polythene bags would be implemented strictly by June 05 and stern action would be taken against violators without any discrimination.

Presiding over a meeting to review arrangements regarding imposition of ban on Thursday, the commissioner said that plastic use was turning one of the major reasons of various lethal diseases. She said that the polythene bags and other plastic material were not only affecting human health but also causing environmental pollution.

She said that the international Earth Day was linked with pollution caused by the plastic this year.

The commissioner stressed upon the need of joint practical steps to control pollution and said that everyone should play due role to provide environmental pollution free country's next generation.

Maryam Khan directed officers concerned to ensure stern action against the people involved in burning crop remaining.

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