Bilawal Warns Govt Not To Touch 18th Amendment


Bilawal warns govt not to touch 18th amendment

The PPP chairman says he will overthrow the PTI government if it tried to repeal the amendment

LAHORE- (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News- 4th April 2019) PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said he will overthrow the government if it tried to repeal the 18th amendment.

He issued this warning while addressing the party workers at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh on the occasion of PPP founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s 40th death anniversary.

Earlier, in his speech, PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari announced to overthrow the government, saying he was not ready to give time to PTI government which he said wanted to repeal the 18th amendment.

Bilawal criticized Prime Minister Imran Khan, saying he wanted to loot the resources of Sindh which the people of the province would not allow.

The natural resources of Sindh including gas and water were the target of PTI government, he added.

He said Khan was also hitting the people by increasing the cost of basic commodities. The ‘selected’ PM, he said, was actually terrorizing the people by the price hike.

He claimed the people of Pakistan wanted to get rid of this government which came into power after massive rigging.

He demanded the Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s case reopened to set the record straight. He said those who made judicial murder of Bhutto were still afraid of PPP and Bhuttos. He said his party would continue the struggle for the democratic rights of the people of Pakistan.