Child Protection Case Management Foundational Training Concludes, Pledges Ongoing Commitment To Protect Children

Child protection case management foundational training concludes, pledges ongoing Commitment to protect children

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) In a significant step towards ensuring the protection and welfare of children in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a 10-day Foundational Level training on Child Protection Case Management was successfully concluded here on Thursday.

The training was organized as a mandatory course for all the staff of twelve District Child Protection Units (CPUs) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the generous support from UNICEF.

Recognizing the critical nature of child protection issues in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the wellbeing and development of children, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Commission has prioritized addressing these concerns, particularly among children on the move and Afghan refugees.

To this end, twelve CPUs across KP have been staffed with a Child Protection Officer, Psychologist, and Social Workers by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Commission.

This 10-day training program, aimed to equip the professionals of Child Protection Units with essential skills and knowledge necessary for the proper assessment of child protection concerns of children reported to the CPU and ensuring them comprehensive case management and referral services including legal protection through the judicial system.

In his remarks, the Additional Secretary of Social Welfare, Muhammad Farooq highlighted the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's steadfast commitment to strengthening the child protection system and fulfilling its international obligations towards protecting children's rights.

Sohail Ahmad, Child Protection Specialist from UNICEF, highlighting the objectives and significance of this foundational training mentioned that the comprehensive case management SOPs are aligned with global standards and best practices.

He mentioned that UNICEF has provided technical support to the KP Child Protection and Welfare Commission in developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for high-quality case management services.

He urged the Ministry of Social Welfare to ensure adequate and sustainable funding for the CPUs, highlighting the need to decentralize child protection services and mobilize local communities, for formation of Community-Based Child Protection Committees.

He also emphasized the need for collective action to address child abuse, violence, exploitation, and neglect, and called for strong partnerships among relevant departments and communities.

Mashal Yousafzai, Advisor to the Chief Minister for Social Welfare, Special education, and Women Empowerment Department, graced the closing ceremony, commending the dedication and commitment of the participants.

She thanked UNICEF for support to the children of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, especially in the Merged Areas, and requested for continued support for street children, child survivors of sexual abuse, orphans, transgender children, and children with disabilities.

She committed to passing the Child Marriage Restraint Bill within the next six months and requested special support from UNICEF for facilities for transgender children and those with disabilities.

She also reaffirmed her commitment to extending alternative care facilities for orphans and expanding child courts to more districts in KP. "Children of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are our responsibility," she stated, underscoring the government's dedication to strengthening the child protection system and ensuring necessary resources for its effective implementation.

Radoslaw Rzehak, Chief of Field Office UNICEF, also spoke at the closing ceremony, expressing his appreciation to the government of KP and the KP Child Protection and Welfare Commission for their leadership in establishing District Child Protection Units.

He expressed optimism that the new democratic government would continue to support the investments UNICEF has made in the child protection system. Addressing the CPU staff, he emphasized their crucial role being close to the children in their communities and providing essential support. Rzehak reaffirmed UNICEF's commitment to supporting the training and supervision of CPUs and community structures, and to enhancing trust between communities and the child protection system.

Ijaz Muhammad Khan, Deputy/Chief Protection Officer of KPCPWC, expressed gratitude in his vote of thanks, acknowledging the partnership with UNICEF.

He encouraged the participants to apply their knowledge and skills to protect children and engage actively with parents and communities.

The training aimed to equip CPU professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge for effectively assessing and managing child protection cases. This includes providing comprehensive case management and referral services, and ensuring legal protection to children, families, and caregivers through the judicial system.

It was delivered under the technical guidance of International consultant Ilse Van der Straeten, known for her expertise in child protection. It was co-facilitated by Imad Ud Din, Programme Manager KPCPWC, Amjid Mehmood, Program Manager SWD Merged Districts, and Aliya Harir, Child Protection Officer, UNICEF Peshawar. Participants actively engaged in interactive sessions, workshops, and practical exercises.

This training program represents a significant stride, first of its kind, towards protecting the rights and well-being of all children in Merged Districts and reaffirms the Governments’ and UNICEF's commitment to ensuring a safer environment for every child.