Chinese CG Vows To Further Strengthen All Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership With Pakistan

Chinese CG vows to further strengthen all weather strategic cooperative partnership with Pakistan

Yang Yundong, Thursday, reiterated his commitment to work together with Pakistan to further strengthen the all weather strategic cooperative partnership of both friendly countries and jointly build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The Consul General of China in Karachi Yang Yundong, Thursday, reiterated his commitment to work together with Pakistan to further strengthen the all weather strategic cooperative partnership of both friendly countries and jointly build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era.

He, while addressing to a seminar held here by Chinese Consulate General in Karachi in connection with 73rd Anniversary of Establishment of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relation, said that the relationship has forged ahead under the strategic guidance and joint efforts of leadership, governments and peoples of both nations.

“Our comprehensive cooperation has flourished, enduring the ever-changing international landscape and solidifying into an 'ironclad' friendship,” he said and vowed to firmly uphold the core interests of both countries, maintain close communication and exchange, strengthen pragmatic cooperation and further deepen and solidify the bilateral relations.

He said that Pakistan was the first Islamic country to recognize the People's Republic of China and to formally establish diplomatic relations with the new China.

China has consistently supported Pakistan in defending its national sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity while Pakistan also supported China in safeguarding its core interests, he said adding that the Karakoram Highway was a lasting testimony of friendship between the two countries.

The China-Pakistan relationship has not only become a valuable strategic asset for both countries but also serves as a model of peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation between nations with different social systems and cultural backgrounds, Yundong said.

Due to high level engagements of leadership of both the countries, China-Pakistan relations are operating at a high level and are faced with new opportunities for development, exhibiting vibrant vitality and vigor, he observed.

Over the past 11 years, CPEC has brought a total of US $25.4 billion in direct investment, 236000 jobs, 510km of highways, more than 8000 megawatts of electricity and 886km of core transmission network, he informed while referring to projects like Gwadar Port, Lahore Orange Line and cooperation in energy, science and technology, education, culture, tourism, media, and many other sectors.

The aforementioned pragmatic cooperation has strongly promoted Pakistan's economic and social development, bringing tangible benefits to the local people, he noted.

Pakistan's first lunar probe, ICUBE-Qamar, was successfully launched alongside China's Chang'e 6 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center, further expanding bilateral cooperation in the field of space exploration, he said adding that the achievement has received widespread attention and warm welcome from various sectors of Pakistani society.

The Chinese CG stated that Kashmir issue was a long-standing dispute left over from history, which should be properly resolved through peaceful means in accordance with the UN Charter, relevant Security Council resolutions, and bilateral agreements.

China and Pakistan maintain close cooperation within frameworks such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and both countries were committed to promote global development, security and civilization initiatives aimed at promoting the development of global governance towards a more just and equitable direction.

He lauded Pakistan's steadfast adherence to the one-China principle, firmly supporting the Chinese government's efforts to achieve national reunification and said “China highly appreciates Pakistan's stance on this matter.”

Taiwan has belonged to China since ancient times and fact that both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China has never changed, he stated adding that China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided and Taiwan question was entirely China's internal affair.

“We will absolutely not allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China in any way and No one should underestimate our resolve, will and ability to defend China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he noted and added that China will ultimately achieve complete reunification, and Taiwan is bound to return to the embrace of the motherland.

Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Liaison office Karachi, Irfan Soomro, speaking at the occasion, said that there was much to learn from China that has become the second largest economy with fastest growth and rapid transformations.

Expressing support to the China's stance on Taiwan question he said that the Iron Clad friendship of both the countries was based on shared commitment with peace, and promotion of just an inclusive economic globalization for shared future and shared prosperity of human kind.

Referring to visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Deputy Prime Minister Ishaque Dar he hoped that these visits will further reinforce the exemplary relations of both the countries and take CPEC farther.

Chairperson Karachi Council on Foreign Relations Nadira Panjwani, Dr Junaid Ahmed, former diplomat and writer Saeed Hussain Javed, Honorary Consul General Fazal Karim Dadabhoy, Mazahir Naqvi and others also spoke at the occasion.

They said that both the countries always supported each others in time of need and worked together for peace and prosperity in the region and across the globe. They also stressed on the need of further bolstering people to people contacts, swift implementation on the second phase of CPEC, cooperation in agriculture sector.

CPEC was a flagship project of both the countries that serves their national and economic interests, they said and observed that despite all the challenges significant progress has been made in its first phase.

The speakers while supporting the One China Policy opined that Taiwan has historically remained a part of China and escalations in the Taiwanese strait might cast serious implications on peace in the region.