Commissioner Orders Indiscriminate Action Against Illegal Housing Schemes

Commissioner orders indiscriminate action against illegal housing schemes

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Commissioner Rawalpindi Division, Engineer Aamir Khattak has directed the authorities concerned to intensify the operation against illegal housing societies and take indiscriminate action against the rules violators.

According to a Commissioner Office spokesperson, Engineer Aamir Khattak had directed the officers of Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) and Food Department to give briefings on daily performance.

She said that during a briefing, the officers informed the commissioner that there are 635 housing schemes in Rawalpindi while 104 housing schemes are approved and 96 are under process.

The administration on the orders of the commissioner was taking action against the rules violators, she added.

She said that the commissioner had instructed the food department to improve its checking system to provide quality food items to the public. Engineer Amir Khattak also directed that cleanliness and hygiene rules should be followed at food and drink places, she maintained.

From May 1 this year, during 1998 raids conducted by the Food Department, 864 improvement notices were issued and fines amounting to over Rs 5.3 million were imposed on the violators. Two FIRs were also lodged, she said.

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