Construction Of District Education Authority Building Will Be Completed In June:DC

Construction of District Education Authority building will be completed in June:DC

SIALKO, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Zulqarnain has said that under the development project of the Punjab government, the construction of the multi-storied building of the District Education Authority Sialkot will be completed in June at a cost of 1.2 million rupees.

With the completion of the project, the offices of the education department will be shifted in a single building, which will make it easier for teachers, parents and students to solve their problems.

To ensure completion of the project within the stipulated timeline, building department and contractor further accelerate the pace of work.

He expressed these views while visiting the District Education Complex and reviewing the construction project of the new building of the District Education Authority.

CEO Education Javed Iqbal Babar and the officials of the concerned department were also present on the occasion.

Earlier, Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Zulqarnain inspected the offices of the Education Complex and checked the attendance of the staff.

Deputy Commissioner also visited the examination center established under the board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Government Jamia High school and reviewed the examination process in detail.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Sialkot Muhammad Zulqarnain along with District Police Officer (DPO)Sialkot Muhammad Hasan Iqbal visited the police control room, where the DPO Sialkot gave a briefing to the Deputy Commissioner about the installation of closed circuit security cameras in the city.