Cops Given Cash Prizes, Certificates Over Good Performances


Cops given cash prizes, certificates over good performances

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Regional Police Officer Sargodha Shahrukh Kamal Siddiqui distributed cash prizes and certificates of appreciation among 16 police officers on Wednesday, in recognition of their excellent professional performance.

A formal ceremony was held here at the RPO office in this regard, which was also attended by District Police Officer (DPO) Sargodha Dr. Asad Ejaz Malhi.

The RPO said dignity of the entire force was enhanced by the performance of the policemen, who bravely face the challenges of terrorism. He said no effort would be spared to encourage police officers and personnel, who always performed their duties by putting their lives at risk.

He said any act against the rule of law, justice and merit would not be acceptable; so the police officers should carry out their professional duties by setting aside their relations. The regional police chief said the policemen should use their all energies only for fighting crime, maintaining law and order and providing justice to people without any discrimination.

He vowed that the police officers and personnel of every rank, who perform well in the police force, would be encouraged at every forum.