DC For Implementation Of CM Punjab's Initiatives

DC for implementation of CM Punjab's initiatives

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Bahawalpur Zaheer Anwar Jappa stated that the implementation of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif's initiatives should be ensured. In this regard, he said the officers of the relevant departments should actively perform their duties in the field.

While reviewing the performance under the Chief Minister Punjab's initiative this week in a meeting at his office here Thursday, he directed to immediately resolve the complaints received by the concerned departments.

The meeting was attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner Finance Farooq Qamar, Additional Deputy Commissioner General Naeem Sadiq Cheema, Assistant Commissioners of the district, System Network Administrator Muhammad Azeem Zeeshan, Deputy Director Local Government Khurshid Ahmad, Chief Officer District Council Nasrullah Malik, Chief Officers of the Municipal Committee and officers of other concerned departments.

The Deputy Commissioner directed that the "Suthhra Punjab" campaign should be successfully implemented through better work in the field. He said that cleanliness and sanitation in urban and rural areas should be carried out with high quality. He said that street lights should be made functional and the flex boards and banners installed on street lights and other poles should be removed, and wall chalking should be eliminated. He directed that the cleaning of sewerage and drainage should be done properly and covers should be installed on the manholes across the district.

The Deputy Commissioner directed that the repair and maintenance of roads under the Chief Minister Punjab's initiative should be completed on time. He directed that the water filtration plants installed across the district should be cleaned and kept functional.