DC Orders Strict Anti-dengue Measure

DC orders strict anti-dengue measure

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Capt (retd) Aurangzeb Haider Khan, while reviewing anti-dengue activities, instructed the officers concerned on Friday to pay further attention and emphasised that dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm were essential for success of the anti-dengue campaign.

He was addressing a meeting of the District Coordination Committee for Dengue Prevention on Friday. The DC stressed importance of preventing mosquito breeding. He said that anti-dengue teams should regularly check all hotspots.

The DC said, "These teams should closely monitor ponds, pools, construction sites, service stations, tyre shops, junkyards, hotels, and other public places, sending any suspected mosquito larvae for immediate laboratory testing.

The rooftops of government buildings and offices should be inspected to ensure no water is standing there. Along with preventive measures, it is necessary to raise public awareness, hold seminars and other educational programs.

The DC emphasised the need for regular training sessions for anti-dengue teams. He appealed to citizens to cooperate with the anti-dengue teams and to strictly follow the government guidelines for dengue prevention.

The meeting was attended by Chief Executive Officer Health Dr. Asad Aslam and heads of all relevant departments.

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