Factory Sealed For Substandard Production

Factory sealed for substandard production

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Punjab Food Authority (PFA) unearthed a factory in Bourewalla preparing substandard pickle and marmalade meant to be distributed in and outside of the city.

A large quantity of fungus-infected pickle and unhygenic marmalade was recovered before sealing the unit on the spot.

According to spokesman of the food watchdog department, the team to ensure the food-safety conducted surprise raid at the plant situated at Madina Colony was preparing the fluffy sweet and spicy food material in the sizeable quantity.

After through checking, the team discovered the food items weighing around 1000 kg of the both kind was stuffed in wide iron drums quoted with chemicals around its walls. It was quite in contravention of food security criteria, added the spokesman.

There were found traces of the dead and alive insects with vermons inside the production area alongside poor hygiene in the premises, he said.

The recovered food substance was wasted and Rs. 60, 000 fine imposed on the plant's owner. The unit was sealed with further action underway, it was said.

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