Federal Capital Police Presents Fake Report Of Crime Elimination


Federal Capital police presents fake report of crime elimination

The Federal Capital operational police was allegedly presenting fake reports regarding crime elimination to highs-ups included minister of state for interior Shehryar Afridi and others

Islamabad (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th April, 2019) The Federal Capital operational police was allegedly presenting fake reports regarding crime elimination to highs-ups included minister of state for interior Shehryar Afridi and others.The inner sources stated that during the past 24 houses number of crime incidents occurred in different localities of Federal Capital.

The incidents of thefts, sexual harassment, stealing on gun point, kidnapping for ransom have being occurring in city without any fear. On the other hand police have totally failed to control such incidents.

According to detail, a gang of about three robbers have forcefully looted a house in the jurisdiction of Nellore Police station.

They looted amount of 0.3 million, gold and other valuable material. Later the case was registered of this incident.One Naheem told secretariat police that someone theft a costly mobile phone worth of Rs 45000 for his vehicle.

Sughra Bee has lodged a complaint at Bani Gala police station that accused Sajid and Rizwan have allegedly kidnapped his daughter. However, police registered the case and started investigation.