Health Minister Highlights Enhanced Eye Care Facilities At Govt Hospitals


Health minister highlights enhanced eye care facilities at govt hospitals

Punjab Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique has assured that the government hospitals across the province are equipped with top-tier medical facilities for patients suffering from eye diseases

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Punjab Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique has assured that the government hospitals across the province are equipped with top-tier medical facilities for patients suffering from eye diseases.

He made this statement during his visit to Al-Ahsan Eye Welfare Hospital in Mughalpura, here on Friday.

During his visit, he emphasised the availability of modern medical treatments for eye diseases at Al-Ahsan Eye Welfare Hospital. He assured that the government would continue to support the hospital in its mission to provide quality eye care.

"We are committed to providing the best medical facilities to patients with eye conditions," he stated.

"The government will extend all possible support to Al-Ahsan Eye Welfare Hospital to enhance its services."

He also mentioned recent efforts to improve eye health in Punjab's educational institutions. "We recently engaged with a foreign delegation to discuss the screening of children in schools across Punjab. We are dedicated to ensuring the success of this school screening program," he said.

During his visit, the minister toured various departments of the hospital, interacting with patients and reviewing their treatments. Trust President Sanaullah Khan and other officials accompanied him throughout the visit.

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