Health Secretary For Timely Completion Of Mother And Child Care Hospital In Attock


Health Secretary for timely completion of Mother and Child Care Hospital in Attock

The Punjab Secretary of Health, Ali Jan Khan, emphasized the need for timely completion of a state-of-the art Mother and Child Care Hospital, which would be completed at a cost of over Rs 5 million on 75 kanals of land in Attock

ATTOCK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) The Punjab Secretary of Health, Ali Jan Khan, emphasized the need for timely completion of a state-of-the art Mother and Child Care Hospital, which would be completed at a cost of over Rs 5 million on 75 kanals of land in Attock.

He expressed these views after presiding over a meeting that reviewed the infrastructure development of the project after reviewing the construction work of the Mother and Child Care Hospital at Attock on Saturday.

Officials of the district administration, health department, finance, and public works departments, the Infrastructure Development Authority of the Punjab (IDAP), were also present on this occasion.

Ali Jan directed concerned authorities to expedite the pace of construction work on the Mother and Child Hospital, which has been at snail pace for the last year due to different administrative and technical reasons.

He said that the present government is determined to provide quality healthcare to mother and child, and it has started work on the establishment of the hospital.

The 365-bed hospital will be well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, he said, adding that “The Mother and Child Hospital will transform the health landscape of the district.”

He stated that the purpose and objective of this hospital were to improve the access of marginalized communities to quality and immediate medical and surgical services for mothers and their children.

He said that this will strengthen preventive services like immunization and nutrition for children and their mothers in the Attock district.

He said the government was placing special emphasis on the provision of treatment facilities in public-sector hospitals. He said funds would be allocated for the expansion of the hospital in the current financial year.
