Healthy Lifestyle Add Years To Life: Study


Healthy lifestyle add years to life: Study

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) European experts have shown that individuals with genetic disorders can avoid additional medical problems and extend their lifespan by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

According to the study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), researchers examined the lives, health, and genetic disorders of 350,000 Europeans over 13 years. The findings revealed that even individuals with genetic diseases can lead healthier and longer lives by maintaining a better lifestyle.

Experts concluded that by adopting a healthy lifestyle, genetic disorders can be managed more effectively, potentially extending life expectancy by up to six years.

Key lifestyle changes include getting sufficient sleep, regular exercise, eating healthy foods, and avoiding smoking and alcohol.

The experts collected data from records and analyzed the participants' lifestyles, health changes, and the development of illnesses.

The study divided the participants into three different groups to evaluate the impact of lifestyle choices on their health. The research highlighted that a healthy lifestyle tailors their diet, exercise, and daily routines to their specific needs to extend their lives.

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