High-level Monitoring Teams Conducting Surprise Inspection Of Hajj Arrangements: Director

High-level monitoring teams conducting surprise inspection of hajj arrangements: Director

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Director Pakistan Hajj Mission, Zia-ur-Rehman Khan Friday said that high-level teams for the government scheme are monitoring the Hajj arrangements in Madinah to ensure the provision of facilities including accommodation, transportation, food, healthcare, and other logistical arrangements.

Talking to a Private news channel, he thanked the dedicated ministry staff for working round the clock, adding that complaints regarding luggage and other issues raised by intending pilgrims have been successfully resolved.

The Pakistani government with the help of the Saudi administration had made remarkable arrangements and provided every possible facility to intending pilgrims, he said adding that due to the previous government’s immature policies, the hajj rate was high however, this year's cost was low as compared to the last year.

He further mentioned that the Main Control Office in Madinah is diligently overseeing operations and the influx of hajj flights will continue.

He said that the main objective of the ministry is to improve arrangements in light of feedback received from the stakeholders, adding that the government had also introduced a comprehensive and affordable hajj package to hujjaj this year.

He said, “Our Primary goal is to ensure that pilgrims can focus on their spiritual journey without any distractions or difficulties". He said that the government would continue to assist Hajj organizers and any such initiatives that would benefit pilgrims and religious tourists.

He stated that the pilgrims in Makkah had also expressed their satisfaction with the arrangements of the government.

The director further said that every citizen should show maturity while using social media platforms and be sensible citizens while performing hajj. He said that people who are performing hajj should pray for the lasting peace, prosperity and well-being of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and also for the people of Pakistan.