Japanese Ambassador Calls On CM, Discusses Trade


Japanese ambassador calls on CM, discusses trade

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Japanese Ambassador Mr. Wada Mitsuhiro called on Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif here on Sunday.

All possible opportunities for strengthening trade, business and investment relations were discussed. Exchange of cultural and educational delegations between Punjab and Japan were also discussed in the meeting. The CM said that Punjab is emerging as a major consumer market, adding that there are good investment opportunities for Japanese companies in Punjab. Skilled young manpower of Punjab can perform unprecedentedly in Japanese institutions, she added.

The chief minister said the people-to-people interaction between Punjab and Japan is indispensable for the development of bilateral relations.

Moreover, the promotion of student-faculty programs between Punjab and Japan was also agreed in principle in the meeting.

Ambassador Wada Mitsuhiro said that Japan attaches great importance to its relations with Pakistan. He added, “We are determined to collaborate with the Punjab government for the development of technology.”

Mr. Wada Mitsuhiro apprised the CM that eleven Pakistani students are studying in Japan on MEXT scholarships for Masters/PhD degrees. He added a number of Japanese projects are ongoing for public welfare in Pakistan.