JKNF pays Homage To Mirwaiz Farooq, A G Lone, Others

JKNF pays homage to Mirwaiz Farooq, A G Lone, others

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Jammu and Kashmir National Front (JKNF) has paid eulogizing tributes to Shaheed-e-Millat Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq, Shaheed-e-Hurriyat Abdul Ghani Lone and martyrs of Hawal on their martyrdom anniversary.

In a statement received here on Sunday, spokesman of JKNF Muhammad Haseeb Wani highlighted the supreme sacrifices of both the leaders and said that both the leaders had played a significant role in the Kashmiris' ongoing liberation struggle.

The Kashmiri nation, he said was indebted to the sacrifices of hundreds and thousands of martyrs who laid down their precious lives for the cause of freedom and restoration of national identity. 

The spokesman, while reiterating the Kashmiris' pledge to take the ongoing struggle to its logical end, said the world must not turn its eyes away from Kashmir issue and its people's legitimate struggle for right to self-determination guaranteed to them by no less an authority than the united nations. The global community will have to resolve the lingering dispute sooner or later, he said.

Appreciating the steadfastness and resilience of the Kashmiri nation, especially the youth who continue to sacrifice their lives for the noble cause of freedom from the Indian illegal occupation, the Front's spokesman said that Kashmiris had time and again expressed their indignation against the India's destructive and dodgy role and its belligerent occupation of their motherland.

He said that the election drama being staged in the restive region in presence of over 900,000 military and paramilitary troops had exposed the Indian government's normalcy narrative on Kashmir. Kashmiris, he said, have rejected these fraudulent and sham elections, which the government of India had used as a tool to hoodwink global community.

Terming holding of elections in the disputed region as a futile exercise, the spokesman made it clear that such exercises could not change the nature of the Kashmir conflict that happened to be an internationally recognized dispute.