LWMC Chief Pays Surprise Visit In City


LWMC chief pays surprise visit in city

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th May, 2021 ) :The Chief Executive Officer of Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) paid a surprise visit of LWMC outfall workshop and different areas of Data Ganj Baksh Town late at night.

During the visit GM operations Dr.

Kamran Nasir, Deputy GM operation Asif Iqbal, Senior Manager Workshop Arif Khalil and other officials also accompanied him.

They visited Outfall Workshop, Krishan Nagar, Sant Nagar, Mohani Road, Data Darbar, Gawalmandi, Abbott Road, urdu Bazaar and other areas of the city.

CEO reviewed the fabrication of new containers, bins and handcarts which will be placed in different areas of the city before Eid. He directed to deploy new machinery and operation.