Minister Directs PHC To Seal Any Lab Only After Serving Notice

Minister directs PHC to seal any lab only after serving notice

Caretaker Punjab Minister for Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Dr Jamal Nasir has directed the Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC) to serve notices on the laboratories before sealing them, in case of any complaints

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th May, 2023 ) :Caretaker Punjab Minister for Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Dr Jamal Nasir has directed the Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC) to serve notices on the laboratories before sealing them, in case of any complaints.

He was addressing the 13th CEOs Health Conference at a local hotel here on Friday. He said that the laboratories, which were not following the standard operating procedures (SOPs), laid down by the Healthcare Commission, might be fined instead of sealing their premises.

Dr Jamal Nasir observed that visits to hospitals had yielded positive results and brought about visible improvement in laboratories. He asked the Health Department and the PHC to conduct a crackdown on quacks in the province in a bid to protect the lives of citizens.

He directed the medical superintendents and doctors to display their identity cards while performing their duties in hospitals. He said that the data of screening during World Health Week would help devise modern mechanism of treatment for patients.

Secretary Health Ali Jan Khan said that the department had issued a letter to the IGP asking for screening of all police employees. He directed the Health Department to expedite promotion cases of its employees. The officers not completing inquiries for last six months would be transferred and reported to the department, he warned.

He said there was no case of monkeypox in the province, and people should not worry about contagious disease.

He said that the monthly conference of chief executive officers (CEOs) health would continue to be held to review their performance and devise a state-of-the-art healthcare system at the health facilities.

The minister and secretary appreciated the management for holding the conference in a befitting manner. Secretary South Punjab Mehr Hayat Lak, Special Secretaries Ammara Khan and Fatima Sheikh, Additional Secretary Khizer Afzal and Dr Younis Iqbal, DG Health Services Dr Ilyas Gondal and PDs IRMNCH, HCIP, EPI, TB Control, PACP as well as CEOs health from across the province attended the conference.

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