Motorway Police Foil Terror Plot, Seize 30 Bore Pistols, Bomb

Motorway Police foil terror plot, seize 30 bore pistols, bomb

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Nov, 2023) In an operation near Sahiwal on the national highway, Motorway police officers foiled a terror plot by seizing 30 bore pistols, one bomb, and other suspicious items from a suspected motorcyclist.

According to Motorway Police PRO, a motorcyclist was signaled to stop while on patrol, but instead of stopping he sped away.

After a brief chase, the police apprehended the suspect and recovered weapons and other items. The suspect was handed over to the local police for further investigation.

DIG Central Shahid Javed commended the officers for their alert duty and bravery, saying that they had averted a major tragedy.

This incident is a reminder of the vigilance and dedication of the Motorway Police officers, who work tirelessly to keep the roads safe.

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