Old Enmity Claims Two Lives


Old enmity claims two lives

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A police constable and his brother were killed over an old enmity, in the limits

of Nishatabad police station on Wednesday.

Police said that Constable Ali Hasan and his brother Abdul Rehman were on

their way when their rivals Rizwan alias Jani, resident of Chak No.7-JB along

with his two accomplices allegedly intercepted them near Chungi Stop on Daewoo

Road and opened indiscriminate fire. Both the brothers received critical bullet

wounds and died on the spot.

Later, the culprits fled the scene.

On information, Regional Police Officer (RPO) Dr Muhammad Abid took serious

notice and directed the City Police Officer (CPO) Kamran Adil to submit a report

in this regard.

The CPO along with his team rushed to the spot and directed the DSP Nishatabad

and SHO Nishatabad to ensure the arrest of culprits as early as possible.

The police shifted the bodies to mortuary for postmortem.

Special teams were constituted to arrest the suspects.

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