PFA Cracks Down On Fake Beverages, Seizes 1,100 Liters

PFA cracks down on fake beverages, seizes 1,100 Liters

The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has seized a staggering 1,100 liters of counterfeit carbonated and fizzy drinks during a successful raid in the Jehri Kass area near Hassanabdal, on Monday

ATTOCK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th May, 2024) The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has seized a staggering 1,100 liters of counterfeit carbonated and fizzy drinks during a successful raid in the Jehri Kass area near Hassanabdal, on Monday.

According to PFA spokesperson, the PFA's enforcement team led by Assistant Food Safety Officer Muhammad Zahid collaborated with the local police to intercept a pickup truck transporting the illicit beverages.

The fake drinks were found to be concocted using inferior ingredients including loose colors, hazardous chemicals and contaminated water, posing a serious threat to public health.

The PFA spokesperson emphasized the authority's unwavering commitment to enforcing a zero-tolerance policy against adulterators and counterfeiters throughout Punjab, ensuring the safety and quality of food and beverage products consumed by the public.


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