PM Lauds Security Forces For Carrying Successful Operation Against Terrorists

PM lauds security forces for carrying successful operation against terrorists

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday paid tribute to the security forces for their successful operation against terrorists in Hasan Khel area of Peshawar, which resulted in killing of five terrorists.

The prime minster also offered his heartfelt condolence to the family members of Pakistan Army's Captain Hussain Jahangir and Havaldar Shafiqullah, who embraced martyrdom during the operation.

In a message, he prayed to Allah Almighty to elevate the ranks of the martyrs in paradise.

He said the soldiers of the security forces carried out a successful operation against the terrorists by putting their lives at risks.

Paying tribute to the martyrs, the prime minister said, "We salute them for their bravery".

He also resolved to completely eliminate the menace of terrorism in the country.

The entire nation is proud of its brave forces, he added.