Police Foil Terrorist Plot, Defuse 8kg Of Explosive Material

Police foil terrorist plot, defuse 8kg of explosive material

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) The Khyber Police successfully foiled a terrorist plot by defusing 8kg of explosive material planted near a checkpoint in Landi Kotal, Khyber District.

According to police reports, a suspicious box was discovered installed on the wall of the checkpoint, prompting swift action from law enforcement. 

The police promptly evacuated the checkpoint and assumed positions.

The Bomb Disposal (BD) Unit squad swiftly arrived at the scene and successfully defused the explosive material.

DPO of Khyber Salim Abbas Kolachi commended the police force for thwarting yet another cowardly attempt by terrorists. 

He also praised the expertise of BD Unit Khyber in handling and defusing explosive materials. 

The police's timely intervention has undoubtedly saved countless lives by preventing this terrorist plot from being executed.

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