Punjab Govt Starts Taking Measures To Eliminate Smog, Pollution: Commissioner

Punjab govt starts taking measures to eliminate smog, pollution: Commissioner

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The Punjab government has started taking historical measures to eliminate smog and pollution as 599 Pak Seeders and 200 Shredders will be provided to the farmers across the division.

A meeting in this regard was held under the chairmanship of Commissioner Multan division, Marryam Khan, here on Thursday.

Speaking on this occasion, the Commissioner said that burning crop residues affects on the fertility of the land and increases air pollution.

The implementation of the mega program for smog prevention and air quality index improvement has been started in the province of Punjab, the Commissioner added.

Agricultural machinery to dispose off crop residues without burning and for rice cultivation will also be provided.

Strict action would be taken against those involved in burning crop residues.

Director Agriculture Shehzad Sabir while giving briefing said that 667 applications have been received in the division as May 7 was the last date for submission of applications.

The balloting draw for Pak Seeders would be held tomorrow at District Council hall.

Deputy Commissioners, officers of the concerned departments were also present in the meeting.
