Seminar Held To Mark Centenary Celebration Of Publication Of ‘ Bang-e-Daraa’

Seminar held to mark centenary celebration of publication of ‘ Bang-e-Daraa’

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) A seminar in connection with centenary celebration of the publication of world famous poetry collection ‘Bang-e-Daraa ‘ by Allama Iqbal held in Government College University Hyderabad other day.

Eminent Teacher, poet and Resercher Prof. Dr Syed Atique Ahmed jilani presided over the seminar while Prof. Shafiq-u-Rehman was the chief guest on the occasion.

Dr. Syed Atique Ahmed Jilani said that on the completion of 100 years of ‘Bang-e- Daraa’ in urdu Diaspora various educational and literary celebrations have been started and GCU has also taken initiative in this context.

He felicitated Vice Chancellor GCU Dr. Tayaba Zarif for organizing such memorable event.

He said that Dr. Allama Iqbal has deeply observed east and west and narrated rise and fall of nations.

Prof. Shafiq-u-Rehman and Chairman Sindhi Department also spoke on the occasion.

Chairman Sindhi department Dr. Shafiq Ahmed Shahani and Dr. Sheeba Memon presented traditional Ajrak to distinguished guests.