SP Shahzeb To Hold Khuli Kacheri On May 8


SP Shahzeb to hold khuli kacheri on May 8

Superintendent of Police (SP) Headquarter, Shahzeb Chachar on the directives of SSP Hyderabad Amjad Ahmed Shaikh to hold a 'Khuli Katchery' on Wednesday at Husri Police Station to listen grievances of the people

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th May, 2024) Superintendent of Police (SP) Headquarter, Shahzeb Chachar on the directives of SSP Hyderabad Amjad Ahmed Shaikh to hold a 'Khuli Katchery' on Wednesday at Husri Police Station to listen grievances of the people.

According to a police spokesman, Residents of Husri Police station were asked to attend the open court and communicate their problems so that they could be addressed at earliest.