“Suthra Punjab Program” Underway Successfully :DC


“Suthra Punjab Program” underway successfully :DC

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The second phase of “Suthra Punjab Program”,aimed to improve sanitation arrangements in rural and urban areas, was successfully underway,said Deputy Commissioner (DC) Muhammad Zulqarnain here on Friday.

While addressing the review meeting of ongoing activities under the program,the DC said that a team consisting of four people has been appointed for cleaning in each union council.

'A total of 33,917 activities have been uploaded on the portal for cleaning in rural areas this month,out of which 33,602 activities have been verified',he highlighted.

DC directed the officers to ensure proper dumping of garbage collected from rural areas.

On the occasion,Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Finance Muzaffar Mukhtar, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Solid Waste Management Company (SWMC) Kashif Nawaz, Deputy Director (DD) Local Government Muhammed Farooq and SNA Hafiz Zaheer Ahmed were present.

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