Under-custody Robber Injured In Shootout

Under-custody robber injured in shootout

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A robber, reported to have booked in more than 18 cases of robbery, theft, murder and attempt to murder, was injured by firing of own accomplices during encounter, police said.

The accused named Mohammed Shahid alias Junaid Shooter, son of Ghulam Mustafa, resident of Chah Sumay wala at moza Mohanpur was being taken away at around 12 a.m. today by police of Sadar Shujabad to make recovery of stolen goods in a case.

When the police was passing through Maswan Pul, some three number of unidentified accomplices appeared to hold firing on police van to release their fellow.

Police said to have retaliated which resulted in the under-custody robber injured after hitting by the stray bullet.

The attackers escaped the scene by taking benefit of darkness of night. Police constituted teams to arrest the accused who escaped the scene.

The injured accused was shifted to TGQ hospital for treatment. Shujabad police station registered the case and started investigation, it was said.