Almost 100 Aftershocks Recorded Overnight Following Taiwan's 7.3-magnitude Quake

Almost 100 aftershocks recorded overnight following Taiwan's 7.3-magnitude quake

HUALIEN, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Apr, 2024) A total of 96 aftershocks were recorded on Wednesday night and Thursday early morning following the 7.3-magnitude earthquake that jolted Taiwan, according to Taiwan's meteorological agency.

The epicenters of all the aftershocks, which occurred from 11 p.m. Wednesday to 8:20 a.m. Thursday (Beijing Time), were located in Hualien County's coastal area and nearby waters. The maximum earthquake intensity reached 4 magnitude, the agency said.

The 7.3-magnitude earthquake jolted the sea area near Hualien of China's Taiwan at 7:58 a.

m. Wednesday, killing nine people and injuring more than 1,000 people. A total of 101 people are trapped and 34 were missing as of 12 a.m. Thursday, local authorities said.

On Wednesday night, Xinhua correspondents stayed in Hualien at a homestay about 700 meters away from a building that collapsed after the earthquake. There were obvious tremors throughout the night.

The aftershocks were particularly severe at around 2:30 and 3 a.m. Thursday, prompting the authorities to issue a mobile phone earthquake warning to citizens.