Bolivia Vows To Produce COVID Vaccines, Including Russian One - Health Minister

Bolivia Vows to Produce COVID Vaccines, Including Russian One - Health Minister

LA PAZ (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 26th April, 2021) Bolivia is interested in the production of vaccines against COVID-19, including the Russian one, on its territory, Health Minister Jeyson Auza told Sputink.

"We would be delighted to be able, like Argentina, to produce vaccines in the not too distant future," he said.

Argentina will produce Sputnik V and AstraZeneca vaccines.

Auza stressed that negotiations with Russia on the production of the vaccine had not yet begun.

"However, there is a private business that offers us, as a state, the possibility that we, united, could very quickly receive the necessary funds that will allow the transfer of technology with Russia," he said.

"It is important for us not to create any association with this or that private company, we are interested in the possibility of establishing relations with Russia or another country in the world in the near future, which would allow us to exchange knowledge in order to have sovereignty in the epidemiological sphere," he added.