Erdogan Plans To Offer Putin His Mediation In Ukraine Conflict To Reach Ceasefire - Source


Erdogan Plans to Offer Putin His Mediation in Ukraine Conflict to Reach Ceasefire - Source

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 07th August, 2023) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning to offer the resumption of peace talks on the Ukraine conflict to reach an early ceasefire during his planned talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a Source with the Turkish leader's administration has told Sputnik.

"Mr. President (Erdogan) will offer his mediation to resolve the conflict and reiterate the thesis that there will be no winners in the war and no losers in the peace process. As you know, Ankara has repeatedly advocated for a sustainable ceasefire and to sit at the negotiating table as soon as possible.

We continue our efforts. Today, Mr. President is probably the only world leader who enjoys the sincere trust of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine, who can be in constant contact with them, and who is doing everything possible to bring peace to the region," the source said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has earlier told journalists that Putin and Erdogan had agreed to decide on the exact location and timing of the meeting in the nearest future. The meeting would focus on bilateral relations, Ukraine and the Black Sea Grain Initiative, he said.