Four Dead, Two Injured In Northern Philippine Collision

Four dead, two injured in northern Philippine collision

MANILA, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Four people were killed and two others injured after a double cab car and a medium-duty truck collided head-on along a highway in Cagayan province in the northern Philippines on Friday morning, police said.

Police said the accident happened around 6 a.m.

local time after the northbound fish delivery truck accidentally steered into the opposite lane and crashed head-on with the southbound vehicle.

The four people in the double cab vehicle died later at a local hospital, police added.

The driver and the truck helper were injured and recuperating at a local hospital.

An investigation is underway as to why the truck veered to the other side of the road.

Police suspect the truck driver, who drove for hours from the Philippine capital, dozed off and lost control of the steering wheel.