India, Australia To Cooperate On Indo-Pacific Cybersecurity - Foreign Ministry

India, Australia to Cooperate on Indo-Pacific Cybersecurity - Foreign Ministry

The Indian and Australian foreign ministers agreed at a Saturday meeting in Melbourne that the countries will cooperate in promoting better cybersecurity in the Indo-Pacific region, the Indian foreign ministry said

NEW DELHI (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 12th February, 2022) The Indian and Australian foreign ministers agreed at a Saturday meeting in Melbourne that the countries will cooperate in promoting better cybersecurity in the Indo-Pacific region, the Indian foreign ministry said.

"Recognising the importance of working collaboratively with international partners, the Ministers agreed to undertake joint engagement with Indo-Pacific partners to collaboratively improve the region's cyber capabilities to promote a resilient and trusted cyberspace and effective incident response," the ministry said in a statement.

Australia's Marise Payne and India's Subrahmanyam Jaishankar admitted that cooperation in the cybertechnologies, innovations, digital economy, and other fields are a basis for the bilateral relations.

"The Ministers reiterated their commitment to secure, resilient and trusted technology and agreed to work together to address the significant threat of malicious cyber activity by state and non-state actors. They acknowledged the importance of the security and resilience of telecommunications networks and the need to work closely with each other to protect next generation telecommunications networks, including 5G and 6G," the ministry said.

On Friday, Payne and Jaishankar met in Australia's Melbourne, at the Quad Foreign Ministers' Meeting that involved the Japanese and US foreign chiefs too. The officials discussed cooperation within the platform along with the pandemic, climate change, and technologies.