Lavrov Says Evidence Abounds Of US, Western Military Fighting 'on The Ground' In Ukraine

Lavrov Says Evidence Abounds of US, Western Military Fighting 'on the Ground' in Ukraine

The evidence that the military personnel of the United States and other Western countries have their boots on the ground in Ukraine is mounting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 11th October, 2022) The evidence that the military personnel of the United States and other Western countries have their boots on the ground in Ukraine is mounting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

"Regular servicemen of the American army, as well as the armies of a number of European countries are constantly working 'on the ground,' including assisting in the calculations of the gun complexes, US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, helping to use them in the military hostilities," Lavrov told the Russian Rossiya 1 broadcaster.

The minister emphasized that Moscow does not have a 100% proof of this information, but the evidence was multiplying and the West was starting to realize that they are going a little bit further than they intended.

On February 24, Russia began a military operation in Ukraine responding to calls for help from the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Western countries responded by imposing comprehensive sanctions against Moscow while also ramping up their military support for Kiev. In late September, referendums on joining Russia were held in the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and parts of Ukraine controlled by the Russian forces. All these territories were integrated within Russia based on the results of the referendums.