London Court Set To Rule On Julian Assange Extradition

London court set to rule on Julian Assange extradition

London, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could find out on Monday whether he has won a reprieve in his last-ditch legal battle to avoid extradition from Britain to the United States.

The 52-year-old Australian is seeking permission to appeal against a ruling allowing him to be sent to face a US trial on espionage charges, after a long-running court saga.

Two London High Court judges handling Assange's request adjourned the case in March, asking US government lawyers to give "satisfactory assurances" about free speech protections and that he would not face the death penalty if convicted.

Those submissions are expected to be presented at a hearing on Monday, and the judges could rule immediately afterwards.

If successful, Assange will be able to go back to domestic UK courts.

If he loses, Assange could be swiftly extradited after a five-year legal battle that has pitted the Washington and London governments against free-speech campaigners.

Assange's only hope would then be to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, which could order a stay on the extradition if it decides there are "exceptional circumstances".

It would also require London to accept the order. This is uncertain because of a separate dispute with the European court which blocked the government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Dozens of Assange supporters gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice in central London early Monday, many wearing T-shirts bearing Assange's face.

"This man's life is at stake," 83-year-old sculptor Jenny West told AFP.

"He represents all other journalists, it's a pressing humanitarian situation," she added.