NATO Plane Tracked Missile That Hit Poland, Intel Provided To NATO, Poland - CNN


NATO Plane Tracked Missile That Hit Poland, Intel Provided to NATO, Poland - CNN

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 16th November, 2022) A NATO aircraft, which was in Polish airspace, tracked a missile that hit Poland's territory, the intel data was provided to Warsaw and the alliance, CNN reported, citing a NATO military official.

"Intel with the radar tracks (of the missile) was provided to NATO and Poland," the NATO military official said as quoted by the broadcaster.

The NATO official did not mention who launched the missile or where it was fired from.

Polish media reported on November 15 that two missiles had allegedly landed on the territory of Poland - in the Lublin Voivodeship on the border with Ukraine, two people were killed.

Later the Polish authorities said there had been one missile. The Polish Foreign Ministry said the missile was Russian-made. Polish President Andrzej Duda said Warsaw did not know exactly who the missile belonged to.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, no strikes were made on targets near the Ukrainian-Polish state border, while the published photos of some debris have nothing to do with Russian weapons. The ministry said all statements by Polish media about the alleged landing of "Russian" missiles are a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation.