Saudi Female Doctor Receives US Patent For Innovative Jaw Growth Device


Saudi female doctor receives US patent for innovative jaw growth device

RIYADH, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Dr. Afnan Muhammad Al-Asiri from Saudi Arabia has been awarded a patent by the United States (US) Patent Office for her innovative device designed to stimulate the growth of the lower jaw using electromagnetic waves.

Dr. Al-Asiri, who first presented her invention four years ago, has reached this milestone after a long and dedicated journey. Reflecting on her achievement, she stated, "I consider this victory an inspiration for further future achievements and innovations, reflecting promising success in other fields."

In an interview with Al-Arabiya, Dr. Al-Asiri shared the story behind her invention. The idea emerged after noticing an increase in cases of delayed lower jaw development among some of her patients. This observation motivated her to develop a device aimed at promoting early jaw growth by leveraging the child's developmental period.

The device works by applying electromagnetic waves to the patient's lower jaw for a specific duration and frequency. This stimulates the formation of new stem cells in the targeted areas, thereby promoting bone growth. Dr. Al-Asiri emphasized that the invention is a significant advancement in orthodontic treatment and holds potential for broader applications in the future. The patent was secured with the support of King Saud University and its faculty.

Dr. Al-Asiri highlighted the device's benefits for patients with lower jaw growth issues, noting that it effectively stimulates jaw growth during critical developmental periods, encouraging new bone cell formation. This innovation is poised to become a valuable tool in the field of orthodontics and beyond.