US May Target New Sectors As It Ramps Up Venezuela Sanctions - State Dept. Official

US May Target New Sectors as It Ramps Up Venezuela Sanctions - State Dept. Official

The United States may target new sectors as it intensifies sanctions on Venezuela, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions David Peyman said on Monday

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 09th March, 2020) The United States may target new sectors as it intensifies sanctions on Venezuela, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions David Peyman said on Monday.

"Our sanctions are going to continue to ramp up," Peyman said.

"That ramping up could be broadening the scope of our targeting to include secondary actors that contribute to the situation in Venezuela who are located outside of Venezuela, but that could also include a substantive broadening of our sanctions program to potentially include other sectors and other areas that are not yet sanctioned."

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