Baat Kar Madine Ki

Baat kar Madine ki
Zikr kar Madine ka
Ik yehi Sahara hai
is jahan mein jiine ka

Voh Tujhe bachaenge
Paar bhi lagaenge
Un pey chor dey kashti
Ghum na kar safine ka

Kiun bhatakta phirta hai
Puch apne murshid se
Voh bataen ge tujhko
Raasta Madine ka

Aap ke qadam jab se
Aye hain Madine mein
Zarra zarra roshan hai
Aaj bhi Madine ka

Ey Aleem chal tu bhi
Rah ley Madine ki
Bas vahin se milta hai
Raaz harr khazine ka

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