Wo Baat Baat Pay Mujh Ko Azmati Rahi

Wo Baat Baat pay Mujh Ko Azmati Rahi
Misley Shama Ki Mand Mujh Ko Jalati Rahi

Ungli Pakr Ker Akser Raato Main
Chalte Chalte Yunhi Mujh Ko Girati Rahi

Ouz K Charte Souraj Ki Tara
Wo Dost B Naye Naye Badlti Rahi

Dost B Kaha Mujh Ko Magar
Lakin Dushmano Ki Tara Tarpati Rahi

Ye B Bhala Kiya Dosti Hoi
Main Rota Raha Wo Muskurati Rahi :(

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