Mohabbat Ki Soghaat Tmhen Baad Mein Den Gey

Mohabbat Ki Soghaat Tmhen Baad Mein Den Gey
Jisay Parrh Kr Me Tumhen Jhatt Se Mi£ Jaon

Vo Vird Vo Aayat Tumhen Baad Mein Den Gey
Abhi Tou Es Hijr Ka Karrva Zehar Tum Bhi Piyo

Qurbat Ka Aab-e-Hayaat Tmhen Baad Mein Den Gey
Tum Bhi Piyaasa Reh Kr Jeenay Ka Fun Seekho
Es Saagar Se Barsaat Tumhen Baad Mein Den Gey

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